Events 2025

JanuaryMonday 13thSection MeetingTalk by Gordon Maclean. 4 points.
FebruaryMonday 10thBring and buy - Auction
MarchMonday 10thSection Meeting
Sunday 23rdBlue Haze RunClyde Valley Section
AprilSunday 6thMhor 84Ride into Lunch 12:30
Sunday 13thSpring Runmeet 10:00 Flander's Rest Cafe, Buchlyvie.
Monday 14thSection Meeting
Sunday 20th Forfar AutojumbleCentral Scottish Section
Monday 28thFish and Chip RunAncaster Sq Callander 18:30
MayThursday 1stMoidart RunScottish Vintage Racing Club. Kinlochleven
Sunday 11thTiddler's TootleAshmill Caravan Park, Doune. Up to 250cc
Monday 12thSection Meeting
Sunday 18thRide An Old Bike 2Cultybraggan, Comrie
Tues 20th- Thurs 22ndChairman's RunFort Augustus Area
Saturday 24thArgyll Classic RunWest Highland Section.
Monday 26thFish and Chip RunKincardine 19:00
JuneSunday 8thBamburgh RunReivers Section
Monday 9thSection MeetingBridge of Allan
Saturday 14thRock and Roll RunClyde Valley Section
Sunday 15thBracken TrundleInvitation Event. Closed to Section
Saturday 21stClatt Girder Fork RunNE Scottish Section
Sunday 22ndVisit to ESME.
Edinburgh Society of Model Engineers
Almondell nr Broxburn.
Details to follow.
Monday 23rdFish and Chip RunCreiff 19:00
27th to 29thAntrim Coast RunN Ireland Section
JulyMonday 14thSection Meeting
Sunday 20thSound of the SinglesClyde Valley Section
Sat 26th Sun 28thThe 50th NationalCentral Scottish Section
Monday 28thFish and Chip RunAncaster Sq Callander 19:00
Thursday 31stPeter's S&t Extra runCrieff Visitor Centre
AugustSaturday 2nd Sunday 3rdS&T Regularity RallyCultybraggan Camp, Comrie
Sunday 3rdS&T Social RunLeaving 10:00 Cultybraggan
Monday 4th Yes, the 4th.
Section Meeting
Monday 18thFish and Chip RunCrieff 19:00
SeptemberMonday 8thSection Meeting
Monday 15thFish and Chip RunAncaster Sq, Callander 17:00
OctoberSunday 12thRide in to LunchKillin Hotel 12 for 12:30
Monday 13thSection MeetingAGM
NovemberMonday 10th Section MeetingBring and Buy Auction
DecemberMomday 8th Section MeetingChristmas Do